Our distributors around the world
Vintage Speed Partner Shops
Adam Law, Aircooled.nl, Alaster Glass, All Air Cooled, Andrew Donley, Andrew Paroczy, Anibal Chico, Anthony Merjano, Austen Verrilli, AVR Import Specialties, Aircooled Houzz.
Beetle-Tech, Ben Hinson, Bertrand Nostalgiacars, Bill And Steves Superstore,
Carey Hines, Carlos E Pinto, Christian Schwippert,
DANG X HA, Daniel Reinhardt, Daniel Verwers, David m Romero, David Pryor, DeAngelo Johnson, Dennis Diaz, Don Johnson, Doug Day, Dream Machine, Duncan Fisher,
E.A.van Sintmaartensdijk, Eddy Collins, Elferwerk HandelsgesmbH, Elnatronic GmbH, Eric Rains, Eric Shoemaker,
Feller Service, F&F Fabrication,
George Federizo, George Mayer, George Spilsbury, Glen Evans, Greg Leach, Greg Melikyan, Greg Stogren, Guillermo Rodriguez,
Henrik Birkl, Henry Menager, Hidenori Ono, Honest Engine, House of Ghia, Hot Shop Folkevogn.no
Ido Shmueli, Ilias Gaganelis, Island Automotive, Island Vee Dub
Jason Trentini, Jeff Lain, Jeremy Noble, Jeremy Vreeman, Johnnyscustom@bak.rr.com, Josh kline, Josh Sanner, Josh Santin, JPS Motorsports, Inc.
Marios Limnatis, Martin Boulton, Matt Nelson, Michael Hole,
Nick Herring,
Pablo Evans, Paradise Motorsports, Peter Hardt,
Randy Bowen, Richard Wright, Ron Fleming, Ron Vanderschaaf, Roy Henning, Ruud van der Meij,
Sal Garcia, Sentinel Motors, Serial-Kombi, Shane Medbery, Sharon Williams, Soci_t_ TWINPARTS, Stijn V Abeele, Sundance Bug and Buggy,Inc,
Toledano Yossi, Tristan@fptuned.com,
Volks shop,llc, Volkstorybkk, VW Show Time, Vintagevolks.com
Wallentine Motorsports llc., Wayne Penrose, Wayne v Meys,
Zachary Jenkins
Tel: +886-4-23592422
A brief history of Vintage Speed
The founder of Vintage Speed Ming-Tang Lee, drove his first air-cooled Volkswagen Beetle when he was 12 years old back in 1988, ever since then, he became crazily obsessed to those machines. He designed and developed his own parts when there was no available part through after-market sources. With his great passion, every part he made was special customized from manufacturers and assembled by his own hand.
In 1999, Ming Tang started his first Beetle Work-shop, called Beetleman. After years of development, innovation, and persisting on perfection, Vintage Speed inc. was finally established in 2006. In the past decade, Vintage Speed has been offering astonishing products such as our exhaust systems and shifters for classic Volkswagen enthusiasts around the world. We will be continue delivering our handcrafted goods and more for our brand supporters around the world .
"Consider this as an inheritance of a person's obsession to another."